Maria Fischer has been elected!

Elections everywhere you look…
And even if you’re not allowed to vote, some elections affect us in one way or another…

Our Managing Director Maria Fischer has been elected as well.
On the one hand, into the executive board of the BDU (“Bundesverband Deutscher Unternehmensberater BDU e.V.” – German federal association of executive consultants) and on the other hand into the general assembly of the IHK (“Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Düsseldorf” – Chamber of Industry and Commerce zu Düsseldorf)..

What is your advantage of this being our client or candidate?
In the BDU, Maria Fischer is dedicated to further develop the high quality standards within the field of recruitment consulting.
In the IHK Düsseldorf, Maria Fischer will especially work on the improvement of services for member companies.
And that is also your benefit.

Maria Fischer ist Gründerin und geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin von Fischer HRM. Seit fast dreißig Jahren ist sie in der Personalberatung tätig und besitzt fundierte Kenntnisse in den Branchen Maschinen-, Werkzeug- und Anlagenbau, Gesundheitswesen, Chemie, Energiewirtschaft, Logistik, Sicherheitstechnologie und Non-Profit-Organisationen.
Elected: Maria Fischer