BDU meets Business 15 September 2022
“The effects of technological developments on the jobs of the future” – according to Mark van Dongen, the demographic factor and its financial impact on public finances is as serious a problem for Germany as destruction of the environment.
If the pension system is not massively reformed – and blueprints exist for this, for example from Switzerland and Norway – then the system could well collapse.
A longer working life is also necessary; this could be supported by digitalisation and robotics. Particularly cultural and economic incentives would play a major complementary role here.
The fact that 20 percent of young people do not complete their schooling or vocational training is not only a scandal on the human level but also economically.
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Christoph Weyrather, CEO, BDU Servicegesellschaft für Unternehmensberater mbH
Maria Fischer, CEO, Fischer HRM GmbH Internationale Berater für Human Resources Management
Mark van Dongen, Group Head of HR, RKW SE